
The following information is sourced from WordPress.org and was last synced on Saturday 7th of September 2024 am30 09:52:08 AM.


Advanced Custom Fields add-on: Front-end Editor

This is an add-on for WordPress Advanced Custom Fields plugin

The add-on allows admins to edit text fields, textareas, titles, content, excerpts and wysiwyg fields from front end simillary as you would edit a google doc.

Have fun.

P.S. it also works with OPTIONS page fields, in the LOOP, with repeaters and flexible content:

Add-on author: Audrius Rackauskas @ Horion Digital, Ltd

ACF plugin author: Elliot Condon



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload acf-front-end-editor.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What fields does the plugin works with

Currently plugin only works on text, textarea and wysiwyg fields.



  • Made WordPress title front end editable
  • Made WordPress content front end editable
  • Made WordPress excerpt front end editable


  • Added options page that allows to control to which user role front end editing is available.
  • Added link toggling – now you can disable links to easier manage texts on buttons.
  • Added outline toggling – now you can enable outlines around editable fields.


  • major comapatbility update.


  • initial build.

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