
The following information is sourced from WordPress.org and was last synced on Friday 14th of February 2025 am28 10:51:51 AM.


This field will provide you more options and flexibility on how you would like to present an instruction or message to your client’s (or site in general) admin interface.


  • Support PHP.
  • Option to hide label when field is displayed.

Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields:

  • 4 (tested up to 4.4.6)
  • 5 (PRO, tested up to 5.3.7)

PS: You need Advanced Custom Fields installed to use this.

PPS: Even more awesome if you have Advanced Custom Fields PRO installed.

Important note: Use this with utmost care.


  1. Check and make sure you have installed Advanced Custom Fields.
  2. Upload ‘acf-enhanced-message’ to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ folder.
  3. Go ahead and activate the plugin in the ‘Plugins’ admin page in WordPress.
  4. Create a field group and check ‘Enhanced Message’ (under Layout) that is now available.


You: Should I include PHP tags

Me: Yes.

You: I have more questions or found an issue

Me: Reach out on WordPress support and discussion forums or Github issues



  • Fix: don’t process load field outside admin interface


  • Compatible with ACF 4.4.6 and ACF Pro 5.3.7
  • Prevent class conflict if this plugin is already added directly in your plugin/theme.
  • Fix: Prevent style being printed in json export


  • Fix: Updated the prefix of group fields to hide again fields that are not necessary/required.


  • First release, fresh and innocent but will get you there.

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